Tuesday 3 November 2009

Object Stories

The group used found objects to tell stories linked to an image in the collection. We used the example of the teapot and landscape below to develop ideas based around nostalgia, childhood and aging. This story resulted in us thinking about daydreaming and seeing images in the clouds to represent thoughts or desires.

Using this technique we deconstructed an image by pulling out the descriptive and emotive information from it and finding links with the found object. We then made images to represent the stories and how they could become interpretations of the initial image.


  1. This project sparked a few philosphical ideas, what sort of emotion or thought a painting gave me was then used as inspiration for the next.

  2. I loved doing this...
    I did the collage and I looked at "waiting" - differnt things that one waits for.
    The picture I based it on, was almost in suspense, it was a very still image and I thought it looked as though something important was about to happen, so I cut people and things out of magazines and stuck them together.


  3. it was mega interesting when we tried to convey a story through just one image, because we learn to realise that everything within that image matters. the composition, the colour and the texture of art all matters to the story behind the art. It was really great fun to explore art to that depth.
