Saturday 14 November 2009

Altered books


  1. I enjoyed making these objcets from books, I liked the idea of bringing a book to life- giving it a new physical purpose other than to be read

  2. these look great!
    unfortunately i couldn't stay for this but its such a good idea, the 3D "life" within a book.
    If I could have done it.... I think I would have cut images out of the books and propped them up on the page?

  3. I helped make the maps one in which we cut around some countries to make a flap then stuck images which depicted culture in that country. If I had more time and money I would cut out the countries more accurately, use more interesting images and cut more of the map out. It worked quite effectively and could be educational for people who didnt know much about the country. :)

  4. I really enjoyed the idea of making a book into more than it first appears. I wish we could have had more time to work out the practical aspects of ours, as some of it wouldn't stand up and needed tidying up a bit. I liked making something 3D as opposed to just drawing/painting - it was a cool break from the norm :P
